Thursday, May 21, 2009

Time Out

I've started putting Alex in to "time out" this week. He definitely knows what he is doing when he causes mischief, so it was time for him to start learning consequences. I have to admit it was rather like a segment from "Super Nanny" with all the times I had to keep sitting him back down. He just kept getting back up and running away from the spot, laughing his butt off. After a several times putting him back though I managed to get him to sit for a minute each time. Then he signed "sorry" to me when I asked him to say sorry. We're going to have to keep on him if he's ever going to learn that he doesn't rule the roost. I love his spirit, but wow, he's stubborn and very, very willful.

1 comment:

Scary Mommy said...

I have one like that too. Freaking exhausting-- stubborn, determined and intense. I have *no* idea where he could have gotten it from. ;)

Alex's Story

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