Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alex is One!!!



Our baby boy is one year old now! Last weekend we had his first birthday party and Alex had a grand time eating cake for the first time and making an utter mess of it all. It's hard for me to put in to words the emotions that come with a year of memories for this sweet, crazy, chaotic and wonderful little boy. It's been a year of the best kind of love any family could ask for.

Alex's First Birthday
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Alex loves our shoe pile by the garage door. He sorts them, chews on them (to my disdain), carries them around, etc. I have no idea what is so fascinating about our shoes. Lately we have had to hunt for our shoes too because Alex carries them off and stashes them in hiding places.

Last week I couldn't find Brandon's crocs. One ended up being in a kitchen cabinet. We didn't find it until later that evening because after 5 minutes of looking we decided to go get socks and have Bran wear his sneakers.

Today I took the kids out to run errands and it took about 20 minutes to find Brandon's missing croc shoe. I looked in all the usual hiding places, under all the beds, in the blanket basket in the family room, behind the sofa, in the laundry, in the master bedroom closets, in the playroom bins and pretty much everywhere else I imagined Alex had access to. I was starting to lose it but then I found his new hiding spot. In the playroom we have this little foam, folding sofa. It was half open, something that I didn't even notice because it's like that all the time. This time though the shoe was hiding under the little fold out. I never would have found it except I lifted up the whole thing and it came tumbling out.

Alex laughed when I found it.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

October in Review

Our October was fantastic! We took the boys to a Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze early in the month and later Alex enjoyed his first Halloween dressed up as a Teddy Bear. We figured that since we call him our Bear that it was the perfect first costume. He looked adorable and magically didn't pull off his hat the entire night.

Alex's Story

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